Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3rd day of spring break

Where we live the ice cream stands are only open seasonally, they literally close the doors in the fall and don't open up till the weather is nice and summer is near.  Today we had our first ice cream  of the season at our favorite Dairy Bar.

Afterwards I took the kids to counseling and then we ran some errands during which one child peed themselves and another threw up all over the counter in the store.  Then home to a rousing game of I kid you not, SPIT TAG,  the things these kids come up with.  And then dealing with The Man who refuses to understand that the kids counseling is private, that they don't have to share with him, or me, or anyone what they say in there, and that they are entitled to privacy of a sort.  He called back literally 11 times, and left 6 messages after the kids told him they didn't want to talk anymore and would have continued if I hadn't taken the phone off the hook where it still sits now.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

2nd day of spring break

Everyone stayed in their PJ's all day long.  Even me.   

Saturday, April 9, 2011

1st day of spring break

Cleaned up the workshop in the barn while the kids frolicked in the sunshine and played in the mud that is everywhere.

Quote of the day " Hope you have a good washing machine'"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You might be a redneck if...

You've ever built a doghouse out of a tarp, a scrap of wood and 6 nails.

The dogs that once had no home will still insist on sleeping against the front door though, even with their redneck hideaway right beside.

According to them, if it's not raining or snowing - hard, it's not really neccesary.

But they will consent that it does make a good sunshade, but only when I'm outside.